While every Chicago Bull’s fan waits for the season to start, Lebron James and Dirk Nowitzki already want the season to end … sooner.
The two players announced that while the minutes of a game should remain the same, the season should be cut sooner – that’s a Chicago Bull’s fan’s worst nightmare!
The NBA season has a total of 82 games, which is the same amount of games Michael Jordan played each season of his career (and never complained).
“I love both of those guys, but as an owner who played the game, I loved playing. If I wasn’t playing 82 games, I still would’ve been playing somewhere else because that’s the love for the game I had. As a player, I never thought 82 games was an issue,” Jordan told ESPN.
The legend also reminded each player that less games means less money (less ticket sales, less advertising, less concession stands, etc.).
Another lesson learned from the greatest! Read more of the interview here.